Monday, January 17, 2011

A brief Arisia recap

Excellent time at Arisia this year! I made it to a number of panels, plus one of the movie trailer screenings and several shadowcasts, though unfortunately, I did have to mostly avoid the dealers room. So many pretty things, so little money. And don't even get me started on some of the pieces in the art show. Get in my apartment right now! Yes, $1000 steampunk raygun, I'm talking to you.

There were a couple of major changes that I really appreciated. Last year, the con had definitely outgrown its hotel, and I spent most of the weekend feeling distractingly claustrophobic. The move to the (much more spacious) Westin worked wonders (though it was wicked cold). Also, there was an iPhone app that effectively replaced the pocket program for me. Um, awesome. I don't think it'll ever completely replace the paper version, nor should it, but it made customizing my schedule and checking the maps ridiculously convenient. Other conventions, take note.

And, of course, it's always great to catch up with my colleagues from Circlet, some of whom I see very infrequently. There was the usual Circlet party on Friday night, and the next day, several of us went out for some very tasty Italian food. There are certainly some things that are better than an evening of food, drink, and conversation, but that's definitely up there.

After staying up for last night's shadowcasts, I was too tired this morning to even consider leaving the house, but I did do something convention-related. As of this afternoon, I have a membership and hotel room for Renovation. Nevada in August sounds terrifying, not gonna lie, but—Worldcon. Heck yeah.