Monday, July 12, 2010

Well, now that I've recovered...

I'm not sure how Readercon managed to leave me so exhausted, considering I basically spent three days sitting on my bum, but it did—in a good way, of course! I'm all rested now, though, so here's my Readercon 2010 mini-report.

Me (left) and Eliza, just doing our thang

I didn't make it to very many panels this year, mainly because I got into a good selling groove and didn't want to interrupt it. New Genre didn't have a new issue this time around, but we did have a couple of new offerings on the table—the Open Letters Monthly anthology and Jennifer Karmin's aaaaaaaaaaalice, the newest book from Flim Forum. Oh, and free promotional flashlights with each purchase. And also free candy for everyone! All in all, it was a successful weekend in the Bookshop.

There were a bunch of books that caught my eye, but unfortunately, I really couldn't afford to buy any. Besides, I've run out of space in my bookcases. That said, I've already added several books to my Amazon wishlist, so perhaps I'll only have to wait until my birthday or Christmas to read all of the books that everyone else has already read—ohgodiwillnevercatchup! But I suppose there are worse problems to have....

I did go to a couple of panels and the like: Alternatives to the Pay-Per-Copy System of Author Compensation, Is Anybody Out There?, How Electrons Have Changed Writing and Reading, The History of Libraries, and Adam's reading of "Green." They were all great, but I didn't take much in the way of notes, so I'll leave the recapping to those who did. As usual, the Readercon LiveJournal community is posting links to con reports, and there are already some great ones there.

Anyway, this was another excellent Readercon. I can't wait 'til next year!


The Erudite Ogre said...

My companion to the con was extremely jealous of my flashlight . . . AND the snazzy pen! Oh yeah, I started reading the issue I bought (the first; I like to start at the beginning!); that was good too!

I will eschew further semicolons to keep from turning into John Norman.

One Joy Crelin said...

Hurray! I'm glad you're enjoying it :)