Sunday, February 14, 2010

Boskone 2010 Report

Had a good time at Boskone 47. It was definitely over too fast! I spent the majority of the con at the New Genre table in the Hucksters Room, which is always a lot of fun—I love talking to everybody! I hope everyone who bought copies today enjoyed the dinosaur valentines and the candy, 'cause I sure did.

I also made it to a panel on "the heroine's journey" and a workshop on making a chain mail bracelet. I'm dying to keep working on my Byzantine weave, but I only have one pair of pliers in my apartment. :(

This weekend also gave me the opportunity to check out the Harry Potter exhibition at the Museum of Science. Fellow Huckster Eliza and I got hilariously lost on the way there, but once we figured out where we were going, we had a great time.

Now, to survive the many months until Readercon!

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